For the Third Year in a Row, Pivot Takes Home a Number of Thespian Awards
After it's original run in February, and winning the North Shore Zone Festival in May, the cast and crew of Moonglow took the show on the road one last time, to the Chilliwack Cultural on July 3rd. Mainstage adjudicator Joan MacLean awarded a number of Thespians to the show, including:
Burnaby Award (Runner Up for Best Production)
Best Actor in a Female Role: Val Dearden
Best Supporting Actor in a Female Role: Kassandra Sison
Gordon Kirby Award (Best Youth or Novice): Stacey Gibbons
Best Costume Design: Brenda Storzuk and the Ensemble
Special Merit Certificate "for Wonderful Dancing": Trinity Sullivan and Tristan Manning
In addition, Pivot also took home two of TheatreBC's graphic design awards:
Graphics Design - Poster: Beck Marie (for The Fly)
Graphics Design - Program: Kayt Roth (for Moonglow)
As this journey finally comes to a close, we'd like to thank our amazing cast:
Val Dearden
Pascal Belanger
Jim Stewart
Kassandra Sison
Serah Metpalli
Trinitiy Sullivan
Tristan Manning
And our fantastic crew:
Linda McRae
Margaret Shearman
Cherree Toth
Stacey Gibbons
Jacqueline Forster
Brenda Storzuk
Kyra Fequet
Halia Hirniak
Laura Lee Harrison
Abigail Walkner
Alex Chan
Tyce Toth
Spencer Shearman
Beck Marie
Kevin Ibbotson
Nida Nonuevo
Jenn Tiles
Joe Thompson
As always, we’re grateful to everyone who came out and supported the show, the friends and experts we consulted with, and the TheatreBC community. See you at Mainstage 2025!